Koala KindyThe Kindy Experience
Koala Kindy provides quality play based education for children aged three to five years by Early Childhood Teachers.
- Caters for children aged 3-5 years
- Open from 7.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday
- Operating 50 weeks of the year
- Approved Kindergarten programs (4 and 5 year old rooms) delivered by qualified early childhood teachers and assistants
- Qualified Early Learning Assistants supporting in each class
- Rated as EXCEEDING the National Quality Standards
- Approved to offer Child Care Benefits and rebates where applicable
Koala Kindy provides quality play based education for children aged three to five years by Early Childhood Teachers. Upon entering our service, you will discover inviting and creative play spaces inside and outside that support an engaging and high-quality Kindergarten program.

Our Curriculum
Our learning programs are based on the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline and meet the National Quality Standards for educational programs. They build connections between what children already know, or can do, in their learning at Kindergarten and future learning in Prep.
At Koala Kindy your child will experience learning through engaging natural environments, based on their interests and ideas. They will also partake in real-life experiences such as cooking, gardening, and investigating the world around them. Activities will be planned or spontaneous, and organised with our everyday routines and transitions, such as mealtimes, rest times and learning group times.
Learning through play builds skills for later learning as children learn about themselves and their world. Your child will learn ways to communicate, think and wonder, cooperate, imagine, and create, persevere, explore and investigate to become more independent as they develop a love towards learning that will set them up for success in Prep and beyond.
We believe your child’s learning should be fun and meaningful and we do this by providing a spirit of warmth, encouragement, and respect for others.
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Each child is supported at their own rate of growth through the learning and development areas of:
- Communicating
- Identifying
- Connectedness
- Wellbeing
- Active Learning
Our Kindergarten Program builds strong foundations for your child’s future learning in Prep through immersing your child within the College community, engaging with our facilities (library, classrooms, and College grounds) and events. Kindy teachers and parents’ partner in the Transition to Prep process, supporting each child as they begin their educational journey.
Quality Framework
Koala Kindy offers exceptional educators, facilities and resources to our families and is licensed by the Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane, trading as the Fraser Coast Anglican College. The Kindy is located within the beautiful grounds of our College.
This service is licensed by the Office of Early Childhood Education and Care under the Education Care Services National Law Act and complies with the Education and Care Services National Regulations Dec 2011, under the Australian Government’s National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care.
The National Quality Standard is a key aspect of the National Quality Framework and sets a benchmark for quality education and care. ACECQA, is the national body responsible for providing oversight of the framework. For more information: www.acecqa.gov.au
Fraser Coast Anglican College
Learning Begins at FCAC

Koala Kindy
Preschool learning

Primary School
Prep - Year 6

Secondary School
Years 7-12

Learning for the Future
EDGE program

Visual & performing arts

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Get in Touch
Main Administration Telephone:
+61 7 4124 5411
Koala Kindy Telephone:
+61 7 4197 9342
Address: Doolong South Road, Wondunna Qld 4655
Koala Kindy: 7:30am to 6pm
Prep – Year 2: 8:25am to 2:45pm
Year 3 – Year 6: 8:25am to 3pm
Secondary School: 8:25am to 3:15pm
ABN: 47 775 788 180 | CRICOS Provider: 01592G
The Corporation of the Synod of the Diocese of Brisbane T/A Fraser Coast Anglican College